Heating & Cooling
Ideal Energy Solutions contractors will run tests on your furnace, boiler, stove or air conditioner in your home in order to ensure both efficiency and safety of all units. Older homes are more than likely not up to current building codes, and could be leaking dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. The news today is saturated with stories of carbon monoxide poisonings, many with heartbreaking endings.
The Silent Killer — carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, toxic gas that can kill in a matter of minutes. Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of the fossil fuels – gas, oil, coal and wood used in boilers, engines, oil burners, gas fires, water heaters, solid fuel appliances and open fires. Having no smell, taste or color, in today’s world of improved insulation and double glazing, it has become increasingly important to have good ventilation, maintain all appliances regularly and to have extremely reliable carbon monoxide detector alarms installed giving both a visual and audible warning immediately when there is a buildup of CO to dangerous levels. Persons suffering from heart or respiratory health problems, infants and small children, unborn children, expectant mothers and pets can be affected by CO poisoning more quickly than others in the household and may be the first to show symptoms.
How does dangerous amounts of Carbon Monoxide accumulate:
- A result of poor insulation
- If a fuel burning appliance in your home isn’t operating properly due to these common issues:
- improperly vented furnaces
- plugged or cracked chimneys (snow can easily clog a flue, be sure to inspect after a snowstorm)
- water heaters
- space heaters
- fireplaces
- stove pipes
- automobile tail pipes
- Running a vehicle inside a garage is the most common carbon monoxide danger. Never, ever leave a vehicle running in your garage, even if it is just idling while you run inside to get something. The buildup of the dangerous fuel by-products will enter you home though cracks, doors, windows — anywhere it can find an opening it will quickly find it. Plain and simple, it’s never wise to run your vehicle in enclosed quarters, even if well ventilated for any reason.Click here to read true story about a mother who lost her daughter because she was charging
her cell phone in her car to fully understand how this Silent Killer can do the unthinkable
in a matter of minutes!
Tips to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:
- Install a carbon monoxide detector in your home and check the battery OFTEN. New York State law requires owners to provide and install at least one approved detector/alarm within 15 ft of the primary entrance to each sleeping room.
- Make sure your furnace/heating systems are kept clean and properly vented; have worn or defective parts replaced
- Have your fireplace, chimney, and flue cleaned EVERY YEAR to remove soot, leaves, etc.
- Kerosene heaters should never be used. They are very dangerous and illegal in some parts of the state
- Don’t heat your home with a gas stove or oven
- Never use a gas-powered appliance indoors
- Never use a charcoal grill or hibachi indoors
- If stuck outdoors in the snow with your vehicle, you MUST CLEAR exhaust pipes before starting it up. How often have you heard stories of people sitting inside their vehicles to stay warm as the toxic, odorless gas was filling up in their vehicles? It takes less than 15 minutes to build up enough of the dangerous fumes to kill someone.
- Never sit in an idling car to take a cell phone call. Your life is worth more than a conversation.
Ductwork — A Major Source of Air Leaks
When we inspect your attic, basement, or crawlspace, we may find ductwork that carries conditioned air from your furnace and air conditioner to the rest of your home. These ducts probably aren’t your primary focus, but one of the most important retrofits you can make is to seal all the leaks in that ductwork. You could be losing 20% or more of your heating and cooling energy to air leaking in and out of your ducts. One common leakage area that is always accessible is the joint between your ductwork and the registers on the floor or wall. It’s important to use the proper materials, and use a certified contractor who doesn’t cut corners when it comes to sealing the leaks with inexpensive options.